Caro Schwarz
Musik ist meine Sonne für die Seele, mein Motor in den Tag, die Wiege in den Schlaf oder auch die optimale Begleitung durch eine kalte nebelige Nacht in Hamburg und der Welt. Ohne Musik geht es nicht. Mit auf jeden Fall immer besser. Daher gibt es diesen Blog.
being anne – Lovesickness will never be easy
Anni Pohto live at Mojo Jazz Cafe in Hamburg
Amilli brings a lot of RnB and pop with SOAMI
Lady Wray – Tiny Desk Concert BHM Special
Lady Wray recorded a Tiny Desk Concert as part of Black History Month. In the interview, the soul musician reports.
Burnt Tongue maybe the most personal album by Ian Fisher
Ian Fisher – “Burnt Tongue” on making decisions in uncertain times and why touring is the best way to connect with fans.
Les Imprimés starting on Big Crown Records
Tanika Charles – Soul deep from the heart
Tanika Charles released a wonderful soul album this year with “Papillon de Nuit: The Night Butterfly”.
Carmy Love an amazing soulvoice is entering the stage
With Carmy Love we introduce a new great soul singer. The former background singer is now taking off solo.
Sweed opens his heart to us on Sweedlife
MIMMI – goes energetic new ways with “Switch”
Norwegian musician MIMMI makes it clear once again with Switch that the 2nd part of the upcoming Triologues stands on its own.
YellowStraps – also solo with smooth HipHop op on the road
YellowStraps shows with his current single Tnght that he remains true to his smooth hip hop with soul and jazz sound even solo.