Finally, the time will soon come again: the Reeperbahn Festival will take place for the 16th time. From 22 to 25 September 2021, everything around the Reeperbahn in Hamburg will once again revolve around music.

Whether live from the stage or in talks at the conference, these 4 days should again be marked in the calendar of everyone who is interested in music and the music business. After the “Pandemic Edition” in 2020 with few guests, a lot of distance, checking in and out a thousand times, we hope for more return to normality this year. After the event team around the conference & concerts already proved last year that many things can also be realised online and in the stream, those at home can certainly look forward to numerous program highlights.
MUSICSPOTS will definitely be on site again and take you in front of, behind and next to the stages. In preparation, we have taken a look at the already published program.
The international partner country this year is South Korea. This will certainly be exciting and bring new facets to the MUSICSPOTS music collection. Furthermore, due to the ongoing pandemic, the programme in 2021 will certainly be focussed primarily on European artists. We can still hope for individual acts from overseas.
Talks & trends in business
The first look at the conference program makes the anticipation rise up high. One of the main keynotes will be held by Jack Conte. The musician and founder of Patreon invites you to a talk about new ways of engaging and addressing fans. An important topic that our good friends from Fanklub have also successfully implemented and are already inviting people to drinks and get to know each other before the launch of their own platform with the label Las Vegas Records.

It is so great to see that communication with fans, marketing and branding is getting more and more important as well in the music biz. Anyone who will take part in the session of Annika Manick aka Shawty’s can pick up an authentic portion of influencer: insides with tool like TikTok. Eeryone who knows Shawty like we do, camn truly say: don´t miss this extra free portion of trends and tips.
Awards for IT & journalism
Once again this year, numerous awards will be presented as part of the Reeperbahn Festival. The young talents will be signed with the Anchor, the Helga award will again be the only award for music festivals in Germany and the IMJA – International Music Journalism Award will mark uo journalists for popular and professional writing and communication about the industrie. Besides this the ISA – International Sounds Awards will show up for smart, innovative and useful projects for music audio and tech. and by the VIA – VUT Indie Awards will again be the independent voice of the music biz.
Together for more equality

With the Keychange Network, the Reeperbahn Festival has a great international partner who stands for and supports equality and equal rights in the music business for years. MUSICSPOTS is also part of the Keychange network and promotes the Keychange 50/50 pledge at festivals and in music scene.
First festival tipps
The first look at the festival program increases the anticipation even more. Many musicians and bands that have already been presented at MUSICSPOTS in the past weeks, or that we had in focus anyway, are already listed. We are looking forward in meeting Alice Phoebe Lou, Amilli, Arvid Nero, Mavi Phoenix and OSKA.
I am particularly looking forward to meet PIPPA, whom MUSICSPOTS readers and viewers have already met in our Instagram Livetalk. Newly discovered and finally live, we can experience, among others: Balbina, Black Sea Dahu, Bruckner, Die Höchste Eisenbahn, Nina Chuba.
Our tips and favorite acts you will find in our MUSICSPOTS Reeperbahn Festival Playliste on Spotify, which will be updated regularly in the next weeks. By following the list you might discover some new artist and might have a kind of guide for your program.
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What to do next?
We are looking forward to discovering new music & trends again in our now 7th year of Reeperbahn Festival. In addition, the anticipation is rising for numerous personal meetings over a cold drink to exchange trends and tips. You are on site and would like to meet us? Send us an email. If you can not travel between 22.09. and 25.09.21 to Hamburg, might follow us on Facebook or Instagram for more news.
You can find more information about the Reeperbahn Festival on the website. Here you will also find the latest information on the requirements and tips on what you need to keep in mind to experience four beautiful days full of music and talks around the Reeperbahn in Hamburg.
Fotocredit: Titel Press pic by Fynn Freund, all other picture are by MUSICSPOTS on Reeperbahn Festival