Bobby Oroza presents us a laid back summer soul album. The second album Get On The Otherside of the Finnish artist seems to have inhaled a whole package of Californian sun. Listening to the lyrics we will realize soon, that it comes from an artist who is full of doubts and has just left hard times behind.
The last two years has not been easy for all of us. Mostly for artist it has been a time full of suffering and thinking if making music is the right solution to feed a family. Bobby Oroza decided that it was not enough. He startet to work in different places – like a construction site. Reading stories like this and listening to the new album, you might wonder how this fits. We do not know either. But we know that at the end of this tunnel of struggling Bobby Oroza has once again created a full track record of soul and blues music how it has to be.
Hard times and changes
Fans who already know him will of cause realize the development of his style. It still sounds like the lonesome artist singing in a small exklusive bar with dimmed light and good drinks. But the 12 tracks invite us as well to listen concentrated and think about life, changes and how it could be for everyone of us.
The title track The Otherside released in March showed us already what we could expect on the record. Light guitar riffs and a sunny soft voice combined with a perfect rhythm section. Layer back and let yourself carry trough the life if Bobby Oroza.
Einer der Tracks, die hier auf Heavy Rotation sind, ist My Time My Place. Er reflektiert die harten Zeiten, die er durchgemacht hat und zeigt das dankbare Gefühl, wieder auf dem richtigen Weg zu sein. „I was super grateful for the work—a lot of my colleagues didn’t have an option like that, erzählt Bobby seinen Fans.
Neben all diesen Liedern der Selbstreflexion und über Veränderungen gibt es auch wieder diese Songs über Liebe, für die wir Bobby Oroza so schätzen. Hört euch Loving Body an und spürt wieder die macht der Soulmusik. Sanft dominiert in allen Songs natürlich die Gitarre. Bobby Oroza ist ein hervorragender Gitarrist, was man im Soloteil von Passing Times hören kann.
Bobby Oroza live in concert
People who know Bobby Oroza already might realize that with this second album he seems to have really arrived of his label Big Crown Records. He seems to be able to continue to grow here and stay true to himself. Surrounded by artist like Lady Wray and Brainstory he is in good companionship. We are really looking forward for upcoming live shows in Europe. At the moment he is touring in America. Dates & Tickets cam be found here.
You can find out more about Bobby Oroza on Instagram, Youtube or directly at Big Crown Records, where you can also order the album as a limited vinyl.
You want another soul tip to melt away? Then put on the Mamas Gun album Cure The Jones. And if you get the chance to go to a concert, don’t miss it.
Fotocredit by Carlos Garcia