Reeperbahn Festival 2020 – Day 2 After the first day between online and on-site, we have again compiled our tips for Thursday. This time again: If you want to experience music live on location, you should bring time, peace and quiet and a mouth-nose cover. By far the best way to enjoy music is live.
A quick look back at the first day of the festival. We are happy to have experienced numerous big and small acts live on stage again and to have a drink and spontaneously exchange ideas with friends and musicians.
In summary we can say
The sound from the stages down to us is great. Almost forgotten was the effect of professional lighting & sound effects in the past months. Thanks to all helpers* behind and beside the stages
Numerous artists* are overjoyed to be playing live again. The euphoria is contagious and lets us repress the crisis for a moment.
The “Corona Edition” requires patience, calmness and flexibility due to necessary conditions which are apparently adhered to by all guests and participants, which is great.
A detailed review of the concerts and the festival will be available for you after the Reeperbahn Festival as always.
Everything is different
After the first long evening on and next to the Reeperbahn, we start late on the second day towards the Reeperbahn. Maybe some networking before? A coffee in the Festival Village is always possible, even the fries are good. But the culinary offer is easier to overview and the Spielbudenplatz does not invite you to stay as usual. But spontaneous meetings with friends and acquaintances always lighten the mood.
Calby – RnB /Soul from Denmark
Danish singer-songwriter Calby brings a good dose of soul, RnB for music fans with his “Million Dollar Song”. The song impresses with good arrangements. We hear quiet violins and a choir in the background, which builds up tension. We can be curious to see how Calby implements his elaborately produced pieces on stage. To be heard on Thursday at 15:25 at the N-Joy Reeperbus and at 18:00 at the Lattenplatz at Knust.
Tom Gregory – Pop from UK GB
For Tom Gregory the Reeperbahn Festival is not a new stage. The Brit has already performed here in 2017 and gained international fame in 2019 with his song “Small Steps”. Whether his current single “Rather be You” can continue here remains to be seen. Those who like good pop music can listen to Tom Gregory on Thursday at 5:30 pm on the Festival Village and at 8:30 pm on the N-Joy Reeperbus. His performance is available online from 7pm.
Tara Nome Doyle – Indiepop from Germany
Here a real vocal artist shows herself. For a long time we have been looking for a sound like Tara Nome Doyle‘s in the lineup of the festival. Her talent already seems to inspire others. So this year she is presented as German Music Talent. Tara Nome Doyle can be heard with her soft voice on Thursday at 7:30 pm at the Imperial Theater and on Friday at 7:30 pm at Knust. Her performance in the Stream can only be seen on Saturday from 0:45 am.
Gisbert zu Knyphausen & Kai Schumacher – Pop from Germany
Here two great creative minds meet in a special place. Gisbert zu Knyphausen, the ultimate singer-singerwriter from Germany, has accepted the invitation of pianist Kai Schumacher. Together they present us with specially arranged instrumental works for piano and string quintet by Schubert and works by Gisbert zu Knyphausen. Exciting and all this in the St. Michaelis Church. If you want to leave the paths of mainstream music, here is the change to listen and enjoy well. Thursday at 09:30 pm and Friday at 6:15 pm at the Michel. Online on Friday at 18:18 on the streaming platform.

Ilgen-Nur – Indiepop from Germany
The young musician Ilgen-Nur is no longer an unknown in the music scene, at the latest since her debut EP “No Emotions”. The soft warm voice can be scratchy at times, but never loses its typical rocky touch. We hope that the slightly defiant sound from her hit “auf 17” will always delight us live. Ilgen-Nur performs on Thursday at 10:00 pm in the Molotow Club and on Friday at 10:30 pm in the Michel.
Even more festival tips
Don’t worry, these are by far not all our tips for the second day at the Reeperbahn Festival 2020. For more musical highlights have a look at our Instagram Stories. Because like every year we will be there and discover new music in front of and beside the stages for you. And we are sure to find one or the other act that unfortunately won’t make it into the Reeperbahn Festival’s video library.
Music & Marketing
Looking back after the first day at the Reeperbahn Festival 2020, the scepticism towards this big music festival in times of crisis is still present. Yes, it is definitely nice to see several bands and artists* live on one day again. It’s wonderful to see many friends from the music business spontaneously and to exchange ideas. But the scepticism remains. Because every time we check in and out, are not allowed to dance, stand still and keep our distance, we ask ourselves: Is this effort really necessary? Does it really bring those whom we apparently want to support with our visit the support they need?
Wouldn’t it have been better to wait a year instead of testing now to see if music is fun when it meets all the requirements? But isn’t there also a great danger that in 12 months the demand for real concerts will have completely disappeared. Haven’t we already become too accustomed to enjoying live music from the sofa? Shouldn’t we therefore be open to new ways? But is this the right way to look for new ways? These are all questions that I don’t want to answer today. But they are questions that are important and that are always discussed next to and in front of the stage. Please also read the review by my colleague Matthes from NDR, who took a critical look at the area. Because that’s exactly where the Reeperbahn Festival is: Exchange, report – recommend. And of course: enjoy music. Let’s go to the second day.

Fotocredit: Gisbert zu Knyphausen & Kai Schumacher-2020 by Markus Werner; Titel und Abschluß Fotos by MUSICSPOTS for Reeperbahnfestivals 2020