Two days Reeperbahn Festival 2020 are behind us, two days ahead. The music world looks to Hamburg. This year the “Corona Edition” is supposed to show whether live music can also work in the crisis. But does this also bring the diversity of music from the stages out into the world? We’ve got a few tips on location and online for you from the festival programme on Friday.
Is this the “New Normal” that everyone is talking about? Checking in, checking out and washing your hands? Between keeping our distance, do we have time and leisure to pause and really enjoy music? We’ve had a look around the area in front and behind the stage.
The conclusion after 2 days Reeperbahn Festival seems to be
“Better this way than not at all”
“It’s not worth it for me, I’ll stay on the sofa”
“As long as the music is live”
No matter which of the three groups of music fans on the Mile you currently belong to, you all have one thing in common: your love of music has made you leave the house. We are happy that you are giving musicians* and musicians a little bit of normality. Because the view from the stage into the vast auditorium is not easy even for the many artists. So let us applaud loudly and pass on a big thank you. Here are our tips for Friday.
Tuvaband – Indiepop from Norwegen
Die norwegische Solokünstlerin bringt Musik und Kunst direkt auf die Bühne. Bereits mit ihrem Debütalbum „Soft Drop“ von 2018 zieht uns Tuva Hellum Marschhäuser, das melodische Gitarrenklänge auch düster klingen können. Auch wenn der Sound von Tuvaband Sound uns ins Ungewisse entführt so freuen wir uns die Norwegerin endlich live zu erleben. Tuvaband ist für den Anchor nominiert und spielt am Freitag um 17:15 Uhr nochmal im Nochtspeicher. Der Auftritt ist ab 18:00 Uhr im Stream zu sehen.
Daði Freyr – Indiepop from Iceland
A good portion of creative madness would have slipped through our fingers. Daði Freyr from Iceland brings his synth-funk classic sound to Hamburg. Since this year’s Eurovision Song Contest could not take place, but the musician has diligently shared his works virally, we expect the collected sounds of the debut album “& Co.” now to be prepared for us in a contemporary way. Daði Freyr will play at 19:30 at the Mojo Club.
Die Sterne – Pop from Germany
The Sterne have always been there and now they have adapted their sound a bit with their new album. Through collaborations with, among others, the Kaiser Quartet, there are strings and choirs. But also the scratchy guitars and smooth synths have remained. Founder member Frank Spilker manages to do what many have failed to do. To put a band back together and still remain true to himself. To be heard on Friday 17:30 on the Festival Village Stage and on Saturday at 19:30 at the Michel. In the Stream the performance will be shown from Saturday at 21:30.
Drangsal – Rock from Deutschland
Post-punky guitar runs, unrestrained drums and driving lyrics. Drangsal are guests at the Reeperbahn Festival. Whether the much praised and awarded band will succeed in moving masses even under these new conditions remains to be seen. But loud is good after all this time of silence. Drangsal play at 21:45 on the Spielbude.
New Music Friday
Today is also release day. Many new songs and albums will be released. Have a look at our New Music Friday playlist on Spotify. There are new sounds from Koko, whom we met on the Reeperbahn and who inspire us with their loud wild sound. Also lùisa, who will be back at the festival on Saturday, has released a new single called “Deep Sea State of Mind”. Even Tash Sultana, who was supposed to be on location this year, has released another track from her upcoming album with “Beyond The Pine” today. More playlists from MUSICSPOTS can be found here.

Fotocredit: Titel by MUSICSPOTS