Listening to the songs of Ryan O`Reilly is always a pleasure. His songs are soft and pure and go straight to the heart. For lovers of folk-pop music the two albums of Ryan O`Reilly are a must-have in any good record collection. We are happy to announce Ryan O`Reilly as our guest for the live talk on the 25.08.20 on Instagram and introduce his music to you here on MUSICSPOTS.
If you love to listen to folk pop, which can be soft and sometimes powerful, please listen to the albums of Ryan O`Reilly. Start with the songs ‘Gypsy Tree’ or the ‘Love that You wasted’ from his first album The Northern Line (2016). Than please switch over to his second release ‘I can´t stand the sound’. The album is a bit more technically supported, but still follows the flow and has the typical sound of Ryan O` Reilly in it. On both albums you will hear the deep and prominent voice of the British artist. Besides this you can hear drums, soft guitar strings, or a violin and sometimes backing vocals like in the wonderful ‘Make it Holy`.
Listen deeply to the music
The title track “I can`t Stand the Sound” reminds me of Jack Johnson. I love it not just because of the comparison. The song is light and fresh. It has a sad message about all the trouble and pain that is surrounding us. This is one of the things Ryan has developed to perfection: singing about sad or complex content with a soft and light melody. His songs touch directly but they do not hurt badly. You start to think about the message and maybe change your habits to better ones.
Looking back in time makes me sometimes a bit sad. Sad because I just realized that time is flying by so fast. Today it is nearly four years ago I met Ryan O Reilly for the first time. It was
in July 2016 he stopped for a sofa concert in Hamburg, presenting his debut. Being invited by Katrin, founder of “In Bed with” Videocast format, he played a gig in front of 30 fans. A cosy, small and intimate live concert, that nowadays are more and more important for artists in times of crises.
Having a deeper look through the last social media posts of Ryan O`Reilly it becomes clear, that he is one of the artists, who was in between a big booked tour through Europe when Covid struck. Concerts in Hungary, UK, Austria and Germany have been canceled. For an Artist like Ryan this must be hard. Normally he spends more than half of the year on the road presenting his music. But it’s good to see that live music is gradually coming back. And I hope he releases some new music soon.
Ryan O`Reilly in live talk
Songwriter wie Ryan O`Reilly sind die besten Menschen, die man in diesen Zeiten um sich haben kann. Sie entführen einen mit ihrer Musik in eine andere Welt und lassen uns von anderen und besseren Zeiten träumen.
Songwriters like Ryan O`Reilly are the best people you can have around you in these times. They transport you with their music into another world and let you dream of different times.
I am very happy to meet this talented musician again. Sadly not in real life, but in our live talk session Never Lunch Alone on Instagram an 25.08.20 from 12:10 to 12:30 pm. Please join in and feel free to ask questions.