Home » DOBBY – HipHop with flow und strong Statements

DOBBY – HipHop with flow und strong Statements

DOBBY is a rapper, drummer and music producer from Australia. The musician is deeply rooted in his origins, traditions and family. In his songs, he lets us share his life and teaches us new things without lecturing. In summer, DOBBY released ‘I Can’t Breathe’, an impressive hip hop anthem. At the end of the year, we welcome DOBBY in a special talk with the Hamburg musician Puder on 18 December 2020 on 18.12.20 and take another look at his year here.

Isolation & Homesessions

When the lockdown forced the world into a standstill in the spring of 2020, musicians everywhere had to cancel their concerts. DOBBY also communicated with his fans only via home session and produced an isolation song on Facebook. Very personal and touching, the rapper talks about how loneliness, job losses among his friends and the absence of his family affect him.


DOBBY shows his deep connection to his origins and traditions again and again in his public appearances and his songs. In recent months, he has been a guest in online talks, presented his songs and motivated others to stand up for issues such as equal rights and environmental protection with his open and authentic manner.

In our first livetalk of the spring on Instagram, DOBBY talked about his life and the two worlds he juggles every day. Dobby describes himself as a Filipino and Aboriginal musician, his family comes from Brewarrina in the Republic of Murrawarri in North West Wales. The young musician therefore always combines tradition with today. This is deeply to feel and to hear in the lyrics of his songs.

The worldwide Black Lives Matters movement, which caused worldwide attention and demonstrations in the summer due to the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, did not leave DOBBY untouched. Together with the rapper Barkaa, the song “I Can`t Breathe” was created, which for me is one of the most impressive hip hop anthems of 2020.


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DOBBY with Puder in live talk

At the end of a year that was not easy for all of us, we are even more pleased that the musician Puder (aka Catharina Boutari) from Hamburg invites the Australian artist to a livetalk on Instagram. It starts on Friday 18 December from 12:00 pmGerman time and 10 pm Australian time. Be there on the MUSICSPOTS Instagram channel when HipHop meets pop and two music makers talk informally across thousands of kilometres.

DOBBY is a musician who should be heard and from whom we will certainly hear a lot more. With his songs, he represents a clear opinion, his lyrics are personal, honest statements that touch us and sometimes call us to rethink and act. All this packed into a style that is fresh and at the same time reminds us of the 90s.

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Before we go online on Friday at 12:00, here’s the review, outlook and DOBBY’s favourite songs from Australia for you.


I haven’t really seen too much live music so far, however I have played twice with my band Jackie Brown Jr, and also as solo artist DOBBY. My favourite gig so far would have to be performing to an empty Joan Sutherland Theatre at the Sydney Opera House. That was definitely a highlight.

Outlook to 2021: 

I’m looking forward to a fuller musician’s career next year, one without as many live-stream gigs and zoom meetings. I’m looking forward to touring with my DJ Diola and performing to more people in the same physical space, looking forward to releasing my project WARRANGU; River Story which I have been crafting since 2017, and looking forward to travelling!

3 favourite songs in 2020: 

1. Love and Peace – Quincy Jones
This song was on repeat in March and April for me. I would listen to this on my daily walks at the park nearby, trying to keep a routine and keep myself calm. Love and Peace still soothes me today, and it takes me back to the amazing experience of seeing Quincy live in Paris during my Europe tour last year.

2. The Barrell – Aldous Harding
My housemate Hannah recommended Aldous Harding, a deeply poetic and gentle New Zealand-based folk singer. This song captivated me and helped me make sense of those early days in March and April. 

3. Nights – Frank Ocean
I’ve always been hooked to Frank Ocean’s sound, and Nights from his album Blond is a beautiful tune that I had on high rotation. The chord progression of this song even inspired me to try something in a similar vein, which I’m currently working on now!

Thank you DOBBY for this insight into your favourite songs that have accompanied you through the year. The MUSICSPOTS Special Mix now has four new songs, because of course I Cant’t Breathe is one of them.

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More about DOBBY you find on  Facebook FanpageInstagram and  Youtube Kanal.

Fotocedit: DOBBY by Kurt Petersen Photography