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Caro Schwarz

Musik ist meine Sonne für die Seele, mein Motor in den Tag, die Wiege in den Schlaf oder auch die optimale Begleitung durch eine kalte nebelige Nacht in Hamburg und der Welt. Ohne Musik geht es nicht. Mit auf jeden Fall immer besser. Daher gibt es diesen Blog.


Wyvern Lingo – Awake You Lie

Wyvern Lingo: three musicians release their new album "Awake You Lie". RnB, rock and pop unite harmoniously. The second album by the Irish musicians was already written and recorded  before the Corona crisis. The release will be exactly two years after the highly acclaimed debut album. The recordings took place at the end of 2019Read More »Wyvern Lingo – Awake You Lie

Martin & Garp brings us the 70´s soul with Sentimental Fools

Martin & Garp - sunny chilled sound from the late 70´s for a good start in the year. The upcoming album „Sentimental Fools“ is influenced by sound distinctive sound of the west coast in these era. ‚Lay back and relax‘ might be the message of the 10 track album Dutch musician and producer Phil Martin presentsRead More »Martin & Garp brings us the 70´s soul with Sentimental Fools